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Bromazolam is a designer drug that falls under the group of benzodiazepines . It is a sleeping pill and a sedative. Bromazolam is not an official medicine. It can therefore not be given by a doctor.
People use Bromazolam to calm down or to help them sleep after taking other drugs. This can be dangerous. Also, many benzodiazepines are addictive.
Bromazolam is a New Psychoactive Substance (NPS), or designer drug . As such, we know little about its risks or dosage. Much of the information comes from people writing about it on the internet.
Bromazolam comes in small pills (pellets). These are sold in different strengths.
How does bromazolam work?
Bromazolam is a substance that belongs to the group of benzodiazepines. These types of medicines are sometimes prescribed by a doctor because of their calming and anxiety-reducing effect. Or to sleep better. Because Bromazolam is not an official medicine, there has been almost no research done on humans.
Bromazolam works on certain substances in the brain, reducing nerve activity. This makes the user feel calmer.
Users on the Internet write about the following effects:
Feeling of relaxation and tranquility
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Body and muscles feel weak (heavy)
There may also be side effects:
Less attentive, slowness
Blurred vision
Feeling dull or empty
Less desire for sex
Memory loss (you have trouble remembering things)
Long term drowsiness
Less easy to move (motor skills)
How long does bromazolam last?
Bromazolam can work for a long time in the body. 8 to 12 hours after taking it, the user can feel the effects.
Bromazolam already has an effect at a very small amount. People who use bromazolam write on the internet that they take between 0.5 and 3 milligrams. It is good to know that the effect can differ per person. It is also better not to take more if you have already taken it (taking more). The 'stacking effect' then creates extra risk.
Is Bromazolam Dangerous? What We Know About the Risks
Because there has been so little research into the substance, we do not yet know much about the risks or dangers. But it seems that many risks of substances from the same group of substances also apply to bromazolam.
There are short-term and long-term risks. There may also be risks that we do not yet know about.
Reaction time and traffic: If you use benzodiazepines, it is dangerous to participate in traffic. You can react less quickly. So driving a scooter or car, operating machinery and also cycling is more dangerous than normal. Clumsiness and accidents because of this (for example falling) also occur more often.
These substances often remain in your body for a long time. Even if you think it has worn off, it sometimes isn't. Are you stopped in traffic with the substance in your blood? Then you can be punished for this.
Addiction and overdose: Another risk is addiction. People who use it often find it more difficult to stop using it. For example, they can no longer sleep without it. Or they feel restless or insecure if they do not use it. Someone who uses a lot needs more and more for the same effect. This is called tolerance. Stopping suddenly can then be dangerous. A doctor can help with this or refer you to addiction care.
Sometimes people who have been addicted continue to have complaints for a long time. Even if they no longer use the drug. This is called PAWS (Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome). We know little about this.
Because bromazolam is only sold on the internet and from dealers, this gives extra risk. There is no GP to monitor the use. Someone can easily take too much or use it too often. It can also happen that there is actually something else in the pills.
Combination use: Using bromazolam together with medication, alcohol or other drugs (such as GHB, oxycodone or fentanyl) can also be life-threatening. This can cause someone to 'pass out' and become unresponsive. This can also cause someone to choke on their own vomit. Also see the chart on combinations of medication with drugs .
Memory loss (blackouts): Benzodiazepine use can cause memory loss. This is sometimes called a blackout. Someone can do things under the influence that they would normally never do. If someone uses these substances a lot and for a long time, it can cause permanent damage to the memory.
Is bromazolam legal?
At the moment bromazolam is still legal in the Netherlands. It is not listed in the Opium Act or Medicines Act.
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